
The impact of the development of resources of the Eastern Arctic on energy and fuel supply to consumers


The article describes the characteristics of power supply systems in the eastern Arctic
territory. The analysis of the existing structure of fuel consumption with the identification of the
share of fuel, which requires long-distance transportation, is presented. Estimates of the need
for electric energy and power in the implementation of promising projects for the development
of mineral resources are given. Possible changes in the structure of fuel consumption are shown
under different scenarios for the development of transport and energy infrastructure.

Arctic petroleum shelf of Russia at the changing period of world energy basis


At the present time of development of the world economy, there are tendencies to change
its energy basis. Russia possesses a powerful hydrocarbon resource basis of the Arctic shelf.
When justifying a strategy for the development of Arctic resources, it is necessary to take into
account all available alternative sources of hydrocarbons. In the long term, the scale and rate of
their use will depend on a number of factors, among which various combinations of geological,
technological, environmental, economical and political factors are of central importance. The
article discusses their impact on the development of the Arctic petroleum shelf of Russia, identifies
profitable oil and gas resources, net discounted income and internal rate of return.

Alternative energy carriers from hydrocarbon gases


The abundant resources of natural gas, including its unconventional resources such as
shale gas and gas hydrates, allow considering them as the long-term basis of the world’s energy.
But with all the obvious advantages, natural gas is not a very convenient energy carrier, especially
for transport and remote consumers. Therefore, an important problem is the development of
effective technologies for its conversion into more convenient or environmentally acceptable
liquid and gaseous energy carriers.

Reserve fuel economy as a tool of energy safety: state and prospects


For the purpose of rational use of gas by consumers and for the uninterrupted operation
of the utility complex in emergency situations on the main gas pipeline and in case of cold snaps,
the gas supply projects of enterprises provide for reserve fuel facilities. Legislative changes
have led to a decrease in the efficiency of the reserve fuel economy and reserves of reserve fuel
in organizations with sources of thermal energy. In the event of accidents on the gas pipeline,
the risks of stopping the functioning of organizations, negative social consequences, economic
damage in production with a continuous cycle increase. Measures to improve the efficiency of
the reserve fuel economy institute include legislative changes, building a system of interaction
between regional executive authorities, organizations controlled by PJSC Gazprom, government
organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Russian oil refining: in the face of fierce competition


Modernization of our refineries will increase the output of light petroleum products.
At the same time, several negative trends are growing in the key market, Europe, which can
seriously affect the sales and economics of Russian fuel. These include the climate agenda,
which limits demand, as well as increased competition due to the launch of refining facilities
in the Middle East. To protect its own import niche in the European market, the Russian state
needs to maintain support for Russian oil refining, and companies need to develop production
flexibility and increase the technological level of refineries..

Digital Refinery: Challenges and Solutions


Refineries have been under pressure for a few years now due to the low oil prices,
unplanned shutdowns, and sub-optimized refinery processes. Digitalization is a powerful tool
for increasing efficiency and reducing losses in this situation. Today, Digital Twins are becoming
commonplace in a variety of industries, including the oil and gas industry. Digital Twins consolidate
data from operations, enterprise, and engineering technologies. Leveraging Digital Twins to
enable a risk-based reliability approach to asset performance management and MRO will help
refineries achieves their performance targets. The articles contains analysis of the implementation
efficiency for Digital Twins of pump unit for refinery. An assessment of the expected economic
consequences, terms and budget of the project is given as well.

Impact of restrictions on СО2emissions on innovative development of TPPs


This paper describes a methodological approach to assessing how restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions affect the innovative development of TPPs. The proposed methodological approach is based on the country’s FEC dynamic optimization territorial production model (in terms of macroregions). The list of problems solved in the block of electricity and heating industries of the FEC model is given. The results of assessing the effect of restrictions on СО2 emissions from thermal power plants in Russia on their innovative long-term development are discussed.

Energy Transition: Russia on the Global Agenda


The concept of "energy transition" is now firmly entrenched in our lives. Its influence on the further development of the fuel and energy complex and the world economy as a whole can be heard more and more often from the high rostrum. What is its key feature? Is the energy transition really inevitable? Is Russia ready for it? The article examines the main directions of the development of world energy in the process of global energy transition. An assessment is being made of the necessary investments in the construction of new generating capacities to achieve carbon neutrality of the world’s leading economies by 2050. The place of the Russian energy sector in the global energy transition and the new opportunities that it gives to our country are analysed.

Reliable power supply is a priority for all power generation industry employees


An indicator of the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of power generation industry employees is the reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers - both the citizens and the industrial enterprises. Since electricity is a commodity that needs to be provided to the consumer continuously, the functioning of power grid companies, as well as all subjects of the electric power industry, is of particular importance.

A new star in the chemical sky


Largest players in the oil and gas chemical field in Russia are uniting - SIBUR Holding and TAIF group. The combined company intends, upon completion of its planned projects, to break into the top 5 largest petrochemical players in the world. Against the background of the expected drop in demand for oil and gas and the need to increase added value, the government intends to support the petrochemical industry, stimulating domestic demand and increasing the competitiveness of Russian companies.

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